Bioresonance is a non-invasive technique performed by using the Rayonex PS100 machine, it helps to find the root cause of issues showing within the body.
Rayonex have carried out years of research and testing and established frequencies for healthy organs and systems within the body. Should a scan of the area produce a different frequency then we can see that the energy in this area is not as it should be and there could easily be an issue to be worked on, a harmonising program is then carried out to restore the correct energetic balance - the amount of treatments required depends on the issues on how well the body responds to treatment.
How it works...
As many details as possible will be taken with regards to the complaint prior to the appointment in order to make the most of the appointment time. The first appointment would generally be 2 hours to allow time to go through the required body systems and any subsequent appointments will be assessed following this if required.
No electronics are permitted whilst the treatment is carried out but feel free to relax on the couch or bring a book to pass the time. Ideally cotton or light weight clothing is to be worn with no metal, any jewellery etc will need to be removed.
Bioresonance is a natural approach to helping the body restore its natural balance, why take medication for something if you are able to illiminate the cause of it?